Based on the search results, here are three zodiac signs that are considered incompatible with those born in the Year of the Rabbit:
Rooster Rabbits and Roosters are in a conflicting relationship. Their personalities and values clash, leading to frequent disagreements. Rabbits prefer a peaceful life, while Roosters tend to be more assertive, creating tension and discord.
Rat The relationship between Rabbits and Rats is not particularly friendly. They have conflicting views, making it difficult to form a deep connection. Interactions may be transactional, with Rats potentially taking advantage of Rabbits.
马 (Horse) Rabbits and Horses are said to be in a "相破 (broken)" relationship. This suggests a lack of harmony and potential for conflict, especially regarding finances, as Horses tend to be free spenders while Rabbits are more cautious.
Other sources also mention Dragon, Ox, and Snake as being incompatible with Rabbit.